just a few
resources for resilience
the people and ideas that inspire me every day
a running list of things to learn and love
I consider myself a “leading learner”, rather than an expert, and I’m excited to share some of my favorite resources and sources of inspiration with you! This page will be periodically updated with links and information related to people, books, products, quotes, articles, videos, podcasts, blogs, speakers, etc.
found in my browser bookmarks
four podcasts & a movie
- Inside Out – yes, it’s an animated movie. I know you’re a grown-up. Watch it. It is a masterclass in emotional intelligence. Seriously.
- We Can Do Hard Things Podcast – hosted by Glennon Doyle, Abby Wambach and Amanda Doyle. Real conversations about real life and how to move through hard things. Radical, radical honesty at its best.
- The Robcast – the musings of Rob Bell, writer and catalyst for the creativity of others. Sometimes random, always meaningful. Start with Episodes 310 and 315.
- Being Well Podcast – I have been a student of Dr. Rick Hanson for many years and learn something new all the time. He is a leading positive neuropsychologist and meditation teacher – the perfect blend of science and philosophical tradition. The podcast is hosted with his son, Forrest, and they interview experts from many fields on the ways in which we can all improve our wellbeing. The link will also take you to Dr. Hanson’s website where there are many free resources and links into the rabbit hole of neuroplasticity 🙂
- Smartless – hosted by actors Jason Bateman (who I may or may not have had a crush on since the 80s), Sean Hayes and Will Arnett. Great friends who give each other a bad time while they interview other famous people. Nothing deep…zero to learn…just ridiculous fun and we all need that in our lives! Disclaimer: lots of colorful language and sarcastic/dark humor. If that’s not your thing, definitely skip it. BUT…do find a podcast or show that just makes you laugh because it’s legitimately good for your nervous system!
books to read
- Jonathon Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach – the book that started my wheels turning in 1985
- Anchored, Deb Dana
- Resilience, Dr. Rick Hanson
- Breath, James Nestor
- Living Your Yoga, Dr. Judith Lasater
- Together, Dr. Vivek Murthy
- Untamed, Glennon Doyle
- Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, Lori Gottlieb
- Daring Greatly, Dr. Brené Brown
- The Gifts of Imperfection, Dr. Brené Brown
- Rising Strong, Brené Brown
- Help, Thanks, Wow, Anne Lamott
- Still Life, Rebecca Pacheco
- The Places That Scare You, Pema Chödrön
- Comfortable With Uncertainty, Pema Chödrön
- When Things Fall Apart, Pema Chödrön
- Me Talk Pretty One Day, David Sedaris
- The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg
- The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
- Transforming Anger, Thich Nhat Hanh
- Aristotle’s Way, Edith Hall
- Tell Me More, Kelly Corrigan
- The Book of Forgiving, Archbishop Desmond Tutu & Reverand Mpho Tutu
- The Rabbit Listened, Cori Doerrfeld
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just making it easy to find what you need in one place
a few people I admire
- Robin Williams…because under all of that chaos and arm hair was an absolutely extraordinary soul. I didn’t know him personally but feel his loss deeply. His movies and comedy specials are where I have turned to laugh, cry, and think differently about the world for almost my entire life. I hope you also have a “Robin Williams” – a reliable source of inspiration and joy through a connection to talented actors, musicians, artists, dancers, writers…if you don’t, take the time to find one. Nanu Nanu.
- Brené Brown is on this list for MANY reasons, the most important of which is that her research is so profound and accessible at the same time! Her wisdom truly makes me braver every day and I am very proud to have trained with her team and practiced as a Certified Daring Way Facilitator for five years.
- Anne Lamott is a memoirist and sage. I am not a traditionally religious person, but her humorous and straightforward writing about her struggles with recovery and faith is so HUMAN that I have read a few of her books more than once. Once you get familiar, it won’t surprise you that she doesn’t have a website…she does have a Facebook page.
- Benjamin Franklin doesn’t have a website either but if you haven’t read his autobiography, treat yourself.
- Pema Chödrön is an American Buddhist nun. Her book The Places That Scare You is one of the most significant influences on my own perspective on how we become more real through struggle. “Lean into the sharp points and fully experience them. The essence of bravery is being without self-deception.” Yes.
- Thich Nahn Hahn is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and activist. Or Yoda, if you are a Star Wars person like me. If you’re at all interested in mindfulness as a grounding practice, start here.
- David Sedaris is an American writer and humorist. His brand of bravery is rare because sometimes dark and difficult truths need to be told through intelligent and sidesplitting humor. I have embarrassed myself more than once on an airplane while reading his essays.