brave space
I recently attended a mind-bending and soulful conference/idea-fest where I met terrific people and listened to so many smart presenters say SO MANY really smart things.
Truth be told, a couple of them scared the popcorn out of me…the problems we face as a democracy and a species loom larger than ever…and others expressed well-informed hope and shared examples of progress fueled by the undeniable power of human connection.
So, I have been thinking. A lot. What do we actually DO about everything that so desperately needs our attention to improve and thrive, both in the world at large and in our everyday lives? How far do we go when we have no guarantee, or even an inkling, that our efforts will have the intended result? Is it naive to believe that we can make an impact? Do we resign ourselves to cynicism?
Well…if my own life has taught me anything it is that hope is not naive and resignation robs us of the opportunity to create meaning and impact even in our most difficult experiences…especially when we cannot guarantee the outcome. Especially when we are afraid.
In Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman wrote, “Every hour of light and dark is a miracle”. I believe that. Not one of us wants to face loss, tragedy, failure, illness or grief. BUT. What I know in my bones was also expressed by one of our speakers; every time we go through something difficult, we become of greater use to those around us.
We are all going through difficult things and, because we are human, there is more to go around. So, what do we do in challenging times? We stay with what is hard, choose to draw strength and meaning from the struggle, and get useful. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to not just commit to the important work of focusing on solutions but to actively hold brave and compassionate space for each other’s experience in that shared effort.
And that is the miracle made possible by the dark; our chance to be the light.